
Role of didactic Experimentation in the Science Laboratory: evidence of Meaningful Learning of science teachers

Ivana Elena Camejo Aviles1 Eduardo Galembeck Published by Amazônia | Rev. de Educ. em Ciências e Matemáticas , August 2020

A descriptive interpretive study in which possible evidence of meaningful learning of eight science teachers during their process of integrative construction of meanings on the role of didactic experimentation in science education is presented. It was proposed to provide a potentially significant constructivist didactic orientation on the epistemological and remote approach of the LDC; to raise the previous knowledge of science teachers about the role of didactic experimentation in the teaching of science, and to estimate the integrative construction process of teachers' meanings about the role of didactic experimentation in the teaching of science. The systematization of the information referred a predominance of traditionalist pedagogical visions. However, the development of the didactic orientation favored the process of integrative construction of meanings, evidenced by the emergence of alternative pedagogical views and trends, tending to constructivism based on research practices and problem solving in the didactic laboratory of science.

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Creation of a Phenol/Water Phase Diagram Using a Low-Cost Automated System and Remote Transmission

Ricardo Cenamo Cachichi*, Gildo Girotto Junior, Eduardo Galembeck, José Antonio Moreira Schewinsky Junior, Diego Ferreira Gomes, and José de Alencar Simoni Published by ACS Publications, August 2020

A remote experiment was developed and carried out to create a phenol/water phase diagram using a low-cost automated data collection system and an online video broadcast. Both the data and video from the experiment were transmitted in real-time. The remote lab experiment was evaluated using qualitative and quantitative questionnaires filled out by the students. The phenol/water phase diagram obtained is entirely consistent, with precision and accuracy compatible with what is expected to be achieved in conventional lab classes. The activity evaluation showed excellent acceptance by the students by doing this lab activity remotely.

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Meaningful learning through epistemological experimentation with remote laboratories

Ivana Elena Camejo Aviles Published by Repositório da Produção Cientifíca e Intelectual da Unicamp, January 2020

Abstract: Research carried out on science laboratory didactics favors constructivist styles and approaches, such as those based on research and problem solving, since through these it is possible for students to apply methods and procedures to solve real problems, in addition to learning techniques and apply experimental protocols. In this sense, five different studies were developed, which together discussed to respond to the general objective of this research, that is, to promote meaningful learning in science teachers in Latin America through their continuous and asynchronous training in the Moodle learning platform. On the epistemological and remote approach of the didactic science laboratory. In this way, with the general context of the research lo-cated in the continuous training of Brazilian and Venezuelan science teachers, graduated in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, the first study of a theoretical nature entitled: what is the learning? How does it happen? How to facilitate it? from the visions of Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theories and Mayer's Multimedia Learning. The study presented a wide theoretical and critical review of the state of the art in different directions of interest for the research, through which it was possible to estimate the low level of correspondence and the antagonistic positions of these two relevant, powerful and current theoretical references of teaching of the sciences. The second study carried out was entitled "Constructivist and remote laboratory: potentially significant didactic sequence for the continuous training of science teachers in Latin America", it represented the process of construction and validation of the asynchronous course on the Moodle platform to facilitate continuous training in the epistemological and remote laboratory of science teachers. The third, fourth and fifth studies were a direct result of the application of the course. These were: "Epistemological conceptions and pedagogical visions about the teaching and learning of science: the case of science teachers. Brazil and Venezuela. The role of didactic experimentation in science teaching: evidence of meaningful learning by their teachers and Potentially Significant Educational Units under the epistemological and remote approach of the didactic laboratory: evidence of meaningful learning by teachers of science". Finally, the process of continuous training of the science teacher in constructivist approaches, based on problem solving, sensitized the science teacher in their conceptions about NdC and about how science teaching should be carried out to facilitate meaningful learning, possibly generating potential contributions in the development of students' science notions, consistent with their eminent human, consensual, social, dynamic and erratic nature. In this way, the implementation of remote experimentation approaches in science teaching offers the democratic opportunity of availability to public schools, student access to didactic experimentation. As part of future perspectives, it is proposed to carry out pedagogical mediations that help the science teacher in the process of implementing the didactic sequences with epistemological and remote approaches.

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