
AMPc - Intracellular signaling: an educational software

Daniela K. Yokaichiya; Leonardo F. Fraceto; Márcio A. Miranda; Eduardo Galembeck; Bayardo B. Torres Published by Química Nova (ISSN: 0100-4042), June 2004

Chemicals binding to membrane receptors may induce events within the cell changing its behavior. Since these events are simultaneous and hard to be understood by students, we developed a computational model to dynamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understanding. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model. The software was field-tested and an evaluation questionnaire (concerning usability, animations, models, and the software as an educational tool) was answered by the students, showing the software to be a valuable aid for content comprehension.

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Adapting a biochemistry course to distance education

Daniela K. Yokaichiya, Eduardo Galembeck and Bayardo B. Torres Published by Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (ISSN:1539-3429), January 2004

Internet-based distance education seems to be an attractive alternative to offer courses dealing with specific topics that are not conveniently explored in undergraduate courses. This is a good way to provide access to the recent and updated discoveries in this research area and to reach people who could not take the classes in the traditional mode. Using the communication advantages available via the Internet, we adapted the course “Biochemistry of Nutrition,” first offered as a summer course to be entirely carried out at distance. The adaptation explored the use of online tools such as E-mail communication among students and teachers, computer conferencing in small groups to discuss specific subjects, and texts and software downloads to be used as main references. Graduate students had their first real experience as teachers, which proved to be very productive for both the development of the Internet version of the course and their integration with undergraduate students.

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Daniela K. Yokaichiya, Eduardo Galembeck, Bayardo Baptista Torres Published by Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular (ISSN: 1677-2318), June 2004

The rigorous selection of contents to be included in a Biochemistry course both attends the interest of each specific undergraduation course and excludes many subjects of general interest. The great number of enrollment in non-obligatory courses dealing with subjects not deeply treated in most introductory Biochemistry course suggests the concern of the students in improving their knowledge in the field [1]. During the Biochemistry of Nutrition distance education course in 2000 and 2003, we collected studentsreports about their interest on the course and their satisfaction with the developed activities. For this purpose we made several courses evaluation (during and at the end of each course). The detailed analysis of these data let us to verify studentsexpectations related to the Biochemistry contents according to their graduate courses. From this analysis, it was possible to conclude that even though students from different courses have specific interests in biochemistry contents, the aspect that promoted more satisfaction in Biochemistry of Nutrition distance education course was the participantsinteraction and the exchange of information even superficially considered among students with different knowledge background. Nevertheless, courses about specific contents should be offered to a more restrict public, with restrictive pre-requisite so that deepening discussions can be held

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What do students from different courses look for in extracurricular biochemistry disciplines?

Daniela K. Yokaichiya, Eduardo Galembeck, Bayardo Baptista Torres Published by Revista de Ensino de Bioquímica , December 2004

While the detailed selection of content directs Biochemistry classes towards the interests of each undergraduate course, many topics are inevitably excluded. The search for non-mandatory subjects in the minimum curriculum that address Biochemistry topics not covered in Basic Biochemistry subjects points to the great interest of students in complementing their education [1]. When offering a distance learning course on Nutritional Biochemistry in 2001 and 2003, a survey of interest in the course was conducted, as well as a continuous evaluation of student satisfaction with the activities developed. The detailed analysis of interests, criticisms, and suggestions helped to identify the desires of different professionals regarding Biochemistry content and its applications. From this analysis, it is concluded that, although students enroll with specific interest in deepening the content of their areas, what promotes greater satisfaction is the interaction and exchange of information – even if relatively superficial – with students and professionals from other backgrounds. Courses aimed at specific in-depth topics should, however, be offered to more restricted audiences, meeting the knowledge prerequisites so that discussions can be more in-depth.

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AMPc - Intracellular signaling: an educational software.

Daniela K. Yokaichiya, Leonardo F. Fraceto, Márcio A. Miranda, Eduardo Galembeck, Bayardo B. Torres. Published by Química Nova., July 2004

Chemicals binding to membrane receptors may induce events within the cell changing its behavior. Since these events are simultaneous and hard to be understood by students, we developed a computational model to dynamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understanding. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model. The software was field-tested and an evaluation questionnaire (concerning usability, animations, models, and the software as an educational tool) was answered by the students, showing the software to be a valuable aid for content comprehension.

AMPc; educational software; intracelular signaling

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