This paper describes a gamified teaching and learning application for tablets: the 3D Class. The 3D Class acts as an interface between Moodle and Apple’s Game Center, bringing users to play games while learning, and to learn while gaming. For the students enrolled in courses that are available in a Moodle server, the 3D Class can be used to access them from iOS enabled devices. The integration with the Game Center allows users to compete among other apps users. Even for the users that are not enrolled in any course, they can play the open quizzes, and score in the Gaming Center.
Full article Related workEach person has unique physiological, psychological and cognitive characteristics, responsible for generating different learning styles. When an individual knows his learning style, acquisition of knowledge can become more efficient. The new information and communication technologies (ICT) have enabled new forms of exposure and to interact with knowledge. The mastery of these technologies is still very heterogeneous between individuals of different ages and socioeconomic profile. The present study shows an overview of the learning styles among the Digital Library of Science (BDC) users. BDC is an educational portal edited and published by the Educational Technology Laboratory of the Biology Institute of UNICAMP, publicly available ( We assume that users of the BDC have a level of mastery of new technologies of information and communication at least intermediate, given the technological barriers that had to overcome to reach an effectively use the portal. We also investigated possible correlations among age, gender and educational institution regarding BDC users learning styles. Our findings show a predominance of style assimilator in all categories analyzed. Although most authors describe the styles are determined by characteristics of cognitive, emotional and psychological factors such as age, gender, cultural, socioeconomic differences and experiences, this research can not claim that these variables are relevant in determining the preferred style of learning. Thus we conclude that, in our sample, the area of knowledge (Biological Sciences) and familiarity with the use of computers seem to be aspects that determined the prevalence of assimilative style between users of the BDC.
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